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Electric Cars Changing The Face of The World's


 Posted on April 27, 2022 by Septo Indarto

 The number of the latest generation of electric cars produced will change the face of the automotive world from now on.  The continuous development of electric car technology has set new standards for the automotive industry worldwide.

 Tesla was the pioneer and was eventually followed by all brands to produce electric cars with the latest technological innovations.  Can you imagine today: The electric car revolution today reminds us of the internet technology revolution that influenced our lives in the early 2000s.  Advances in internet technology gave birth to a digital revolution in all fields.  It is now happening in the electric car technology revolution that will change everything.  Electric cars are the answer to all today's challenges.  We are in an era of climate change which is a big problem or in other words a big problem in human life.  Electric cars move to be created to solve environmental problems.

 When fuel prices increase worldwide it does not have a big impact on electric car owners because electric cars are designed to use renewable energy materials from the sun (solar energy) and the capacity of the battery capacity is continuously increased to be able to travel longer distances to various places.  city ​​or travel out of town.

 Electric cars are also integrated with IoT technology which makes mobility faster and also the process of entering and leaving data through IoT technology is a mainstay for electric car innovation.


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