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Become a Metaverse Citizen

 Become a Metaverse Citizen

 Septo Indarto

 In the era of Industry-Society 5.0, the virtual world of Metaverse from Meta (Facebook) is believed to be booming.  It is estimated that there will be 1 billion people who will become residents.  Mark Zuckerberg has high hopes that around 1 billion people living in the Metaverse can carry out many activities worth millions of US Dollars such as buying digital goods, digital content, digital travel, digital work, digital commerce.  For Mark Zuckerberg, the Metaverse can be a tool for self-expression to do different things.

 There will be a new life in the new world everyone can do it be it for their avatar clothes or different digital items used to beautify their virtual home and everyone can do the decoration of their virtual conference room.  All will be provided to make all virtually productive and used throughout the Metaverse.  The development of the virtual world of Metaverse will continue to be perfected and people will feel that the experience of moving in the world of Metaverse will feel really like real so that people will be close to each other.  Why is Meta (Facebook) pushing a virtual Metaverse?  According to Mark Zuckerberg, the ultimate goal in developing Headset VR technology is to create a device that can pass the visual touring test, where the virtual world is increasingly indistinguishable from the real world.


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