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How To Make The Presentation in English

 How to make the Good Presentation in English 

 1. Opening (Pembukaan)

- Greet Your Audience: "Good morning/afternoon everyone. Thank you for being here today."

- Introduce Yourself: "My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your Position] at [Your Company]."

- State the Purpose: "Today, I will be discussing [the topic] and how it impacts our business."

2. Introduction (Pendahuluan)

- Overview: "First, I will provide an overview of [the topic]. Then, we will look into [key points or sections]."

- Objective: "By the end of this presentation, you will have a clear understanding of [the objective]."

3. Main Content (Isi Utama)

- Present Key Points: Divide your content into 3-4 key points. For each point:

  - "Let’s start with [Key Point 1]."

  - Provide data, examples, or case studies: "According to [source], [data or example]."

  - Explain the implications: "This means that [explain how it affects the business]."

4. Visuals (Visualisasi)

- Use slides to support your points with graphs, charts, and images.

  - "As you can see in this chart, [explain what the chart shows]."


5. Conclusion (Kesimpulan)

- Summarize Key Points: "To summarize, we have discussed [briefly mention key points]."

- Call to Action: "Moving forward, we should [mention the next steps or actions]."

- End with a Strong Message: "In conclusion, [final thought or message]."

6. Q&A (Sesi Tanya Jawab)

- Invite questions from the audience: "I would now like to open the floor for any questions you may have."

7. Closing (Penutupan)

- Thank the Audience: "Thank you all for your time and attention."

- Contact Information: "If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me at [email/phone]."

Tips for Delivery:

- Practice: Ensure you know your material well.

- Maintain Eye Contact: Engage with your audience.

- Speak Clearly: Use a moderate pace and clear pronunciation.

- Use Positive Body Language: Smile and use hand gestures to emphasize points.


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