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Arti Pay The Price

 "Pay the price" berarti menanggung konsekuensi atau akibat dari suatu tindakan, baik itu positif maupun negatif. Biasanya, ungkapan ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa seseorang harus menghadapi atau menerima dampak dari pilihan atau perbuatannya. Contohnya, jika seseorang bekerja keras, dia mungkin "pays the price" dengan kurang tidur, tetapi memperoleh hasil yang baik seperti sukses dalam karirnya

1. If you ignore the warnings, you'll 

eventually pay the price.

2. She had to pay the price for not studying before the exam.

3. The company cut corners on safety measures and now it's time to pay the price.

4. When you don't take care of your health, you will pay the price later.

5. He took a risky investment and ended up paying the price.

6. They chose to break the law, and now they must pay the price.

7. Success often comes with hard work; if you're not willing to, you'll pay the price.

8. The town didn't prepare for the flood, and now they're paying the price.

9. She ignored the doctor’s advice and is now paying the price.

10. If you always procrastinate, you'll eventually have to pay the price.

"Paying the price" often refers to facing the consequences of one's actions, whether good or bad. It reminds us that every decision we make has a cost, and we must be prepared to deal with it. For example, someone who dedicates their time and energy to achieving a goal may pay the price by sacrificing leisure, sleep, or social time. On the other hand, reckless behavior can result in a high price, such as damaged relationships or lost opportunities. Ultimately, "paying the price" is a reminder that nothing in life comes without effort, risk, or consequence, and being aware of this can help us make more thoughtful decisions.

Berikut adalah contoh percakapan bisnis dalam bahasa Inggris mengenai "pay the price":

Person A: Good morning, Mr. Smith. I wanted to discuss the recent negotiations about our partnership deal.

Person B: Good morning! Yes, I was expecting your call. What’s on your mind?

Person A: Well, we've reviewed the contract, and while we’re excited about the potential of this partnership, we have concerns about the pricing structure. The current terms seem quite steep.

Person B: I understand your concern, but you have to consider that the pricing reflects the high quality of our services and the extensive resources we’re allocating to this project.

Person A: That's true, but our budget is limited, and we need to ensure we’re getting the best value. Is there any flexibility in the pricing?

Person B: We’ve already adjusted the terms as much as we can. I understand it’s a big investment, but if you want to achieve the results we’ve discussed, you’ll need to pay the price.

Person A: I see your point, but I believe that with a bit more flexibility, we can reach a win-win situation. How about a slightly lower initial fee, with a commitment to increase payments as we see results?

Person B: That’s an interesting proposal. I’ll need to discuss it with my team, but I think we can work something out. We appreciate your willingness to find common ground.

Person A: Thank you, Mr. Smith. I’m confident we can finalize this deal in a way that benefits both sides. I look forward to your feedback.

Person B: Absolutely. Let’s continue the conversation next week. Have a great day!

Person A: You too. Goodbye!


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