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In which direction will the digitalization of technology progress when many Start Up companies go bankrupt?

 In which direction will the digitalization of technology progress when many Start Up companies go bankrupt?  The direction of digitalization development leads to the development of robot technology.  The direction of the development of our world of work has begun to enter the era of collaboration with robots.  This is already happening and the process is progressing.  Companies that do not want to create a new work culture by collaborating with robots will find it very difficult to develop.  This is an era in the new world of work, when the world of work no longer requires large amounts of human labor.  New world of work for new science to understand it.  This is different from the world of work in the previous era which focused on recruiting large numbers of human workers.  In the Industry-Society 5.0 era, an office or factory only requires a small number of human workers with highly skilled workforce qualifications who master management, technology and leadership.  We are already in that era.  This is the era of big ideas.  Human ability to create big ideas is highly expected.  We are in an era of non-routine work.  AI Robots and Machines performing routines.  The HRD department must immediately be aware of these changes.  We are already in that era of change.  The new HRD task is how Human Workforce+Robot+AI Machines can collaborate together and make a big contribution to the company's development.  It should start in the design how it works.

 Septo Indarto HR Innovative.


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