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 Posted on June 5, 2022 by Septo Indarto

 Many nicknames for Indonesia such as the Land of a Thousand Islands, Emerald Equator, Country With a Thousand Temples and many other nicknames.  The term describes how beautiful Indonesia is.  So don't be surprised if various nicknames will describe Indonesia as a paradise on earth.  Heaven on earth for Indonesian citizens and citizens of the world.  Other nicknames that we often hear include the Country in Southeast Asia with the Largest Economic Potential or Indonesia, the sleeping Superpower Country and many other nicknames given to Indonesia.

 Indonesia is a paradise on earth, a gift from God Almighty.  This is a fact that we see in real life.  Indonesia has natural and cultural wealth which is actually infinite in number.  We can see various kinds of dances which are enormous in number and make us feel amazed and astonished because they are unique and don't exist in any other world.

 Indonesians from Sabang to Merauke are friendly people and open to outsiders.  Indonesia has a rich variety of foods that are very large in number.  These are all recipes from our ancestors that have been passed down from generation to generation.  All of that is a culture that was created with a high civilization.  Indonesia has a very long historical journey that invites other nations to come to Indonesia to trade and settle down to have several generations of descendants.

 A long history has a very long story about various kinds of stories that can be written in a book that contains descriptions of a very long history of the past.  This is very important to promote the advantages of all regions in Indonesia to the Indonesian people and the world community.  We have enormous potential to become the number one country in Indonesian tourist visits.  We have to improve various kinds of infrastructure, the ability of skilled human resources and also the promotion of tourism around the world.  All of this requires work and time.  But we can make it happen with hard work and careful planning.


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