When the economic sector begins to stagnate because consumer or community demand has decreased or fallen, the tourism industry is the helper who can revive the community's economy. Many countries in the world have felt it. The United States and Europe when experiencing economic collapse caused by the housing credit crisis Subprime Mortgage, it was the tourism industry that saved the country from the economic crisis. We can quote the statement from former President Barack Obama: Tourism contributes to the success of the American and World Economics. America and Europe have enjoyed economic prosperity from the tourism sector for a long time. Even in 2008-2009 during the economic crisis, the United States tourism sector only decreased slightly by 5% and in 2010, the tourism sector experienced a revival by growing 8.8% and tourist visits to the United States as many as 59.8 million people. This figure contributes to the growth of the American economy. The tourism sector is the mainstay of the American government for economic recovery. A massive promotional strategy was carried out to get everyone to want to visit the United States. The same thing happened on the European continent. In 2008-2009, according to Eurostat, the people of the European Union who traveled between European countries were 1.2 billion trips. When there was an economic crisis the European Union community to travel is still very high. This creates an even distribution of income to the European Union countries.
Semenjak Covid-19, ekonomi Indonesia berjalan sangat lambat, berbagai upaya untuk memulihkan ekonomi nasional dilakukan. Tetapi hasilnya tidak seperti diharapkan walaupun pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia bisa mencapai 5 persen pertahun tetapi kelas menengah pasca Covid-19 semakin tertekan keadaannya dan terjadi PHK massal dimana-mana. Industri manufaktur tutup. Perang Ukraina vs Rusia dan perang di kawasan Timur Tengah yang membuat harga energi menjadi mahal dan memukul ekspor membuat daya saing global Indonesia di bidang perdagangan menurun. Berbicara industri manufaktur bangkrut karena memang sejak lama industri manufaktur kita masih banyak mempertahankan mesin-mesin lama untuk memproduksi produk. Trend teknologi di industri manufaktur dunia, banyak pabrik tidak segera meng-upgrade nya dengan alasan masih layak pakai untuk dipertahankan. Ini semua memicu pengembangan inovasi produk - produk baru terhambat. Belum lagi banyak kebijakan yang tumpang tindih sehingga menyulitkan pengusaha un...
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