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 Posted on June 5, 2022 by Septo Indarto

 Indonesia currently continues to be considered in the global world in the economic field with a high economic growth country. Even in 2022, Indonesia will serve as president of the G-20. This is the right moment to develop Indonesian tourism and introduce G-20 member countries to Indonesia's economic potential. The tourism industry around the world will continue to grow this is an opportunity for us to develop the tourism industry. Indonesia must be able to attract at least 30 million foreign tourists and 50 million domestic tourists to visit and travel to various regions in Indonesia.

 The tourism sector will have a major impact on the regional economy, especially how to generate SME businesses. Travel will become a basic human need in addition to the need for clothing, food and shelter. Travel has become a lifestyle in today's digital era, namely as a way of self-actualization. In fact, both local and foreign tourists do not only travel but also get to know the characters and build friendships to get to know each other.


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