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Why School is Very Important

 There is an opinion that without school we can be successful? I just didn't go to school to be successful in material terms. This has to be straightened out. School is a place where we are forged to think creatively and critically. Your success is due to hard work and also sustenance from God. Now the world is experiencing complex problems i.e. Ukraine-Russia war, downfall of Startup companies, energy crisis etc. The world community has not been able to solve it because of the magnitude of the problems faced. If we do not want to learn about science, the problems we face will be even more severe.

 Pandemics of various diseases occur throughout the world, have made the global economy towards collapse. Our hard work is still not optimal. Well, if we don't want to go to school, of course, we can't solve the problems above in stages. What we will face is mass death because we do not have a solution to all these problems. If you persist that without school I can be successful, at least you are willing to read a lot of literature to understand science. Learning takes hard work because it is a long term investment. So the name of the school is still important. When there is a big problem in our life. Then science will find solutions to the problems that are happening. Without science, human life will not develop. We enjoy technological advancements that make our lives easier because of people who have knowledge. This we must be aware of.


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