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the Note of Harvard Business School the Golden Pasport

In 1888, President Rutherford B. Hayes wrote on his diary of the challenges ahead:
This is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people no longer. It is a government of corporations, by corporations and for corporations.

American Business Grew was so well and got the right time:
The nation's rail network Grew from 53,000 miles in 1865 to 193,000 miles in 1900. Annual steel production was going through the roof climbing from 77,000 tons in 1870 to 11,2 Millions at turn of the century. There were 140,000 factories in the country in 1865, by 1900, there were 512,000.

He is skilled in the art and science of the purposeful organization of men and Things.

Morals of business men are better today than they have ever been (New York Times 1949).

An increasing number of progressive Business Leaders...Are trying to educate their employees to see the close identity between their individual interest and the interest of the enterprise which employs (Wrote McKinsey's Marvin Bower in 1949.

In the summer of 1949, the Harvard Business School Business Review issued special supplement written by David titled Business Responsibilities in and Uncertain World. " The adverdaries are democaracy and totalitarism" he write, and exhorted business Leaders to help preserve "democracy and our way of life, America's best defense, he argued, was not just nuclear weaponry but robust economic performance as well.

Consulting Mc Kinsey & Company's official history, for example, credits the form with the helping capitalism work better at a time when its credibility was still in doubt around the world.

Where as before the war, Americans had viewed large bureaucracies with suspicion, attitudes had softened in light of their crucial contributions to the winning of the war.

In his 1946 study of General Motors, concept of the corporation, management guru Peter Drucker concluded that the large corporation had become the representative institution of American Society, in that it sets the standards for the way of life and the mode of living of our citizens. War had Made America Monopolist, but it had also reinforced the authority of hierarchies.

By 1949, nearly one-half of American workers were on the payroll of a corporation. They are wry about it, to be sure, they talk of the treadmill, the ratrace, of the inability to control one's direction, write William H. Whyte in the Organization Man.

In 1949, half of the goods Made, grown, or mined in the world came from America. Americans ate 3.5 Times as much as the global average, a Feast they could afford due to the fact that their income was 15 Times greater.

By 1950. U.S Gross domestic product per capita of $ 3,204 was more than double Germany's $ 1,374 and 50 percent above Britain's $ 2,094.

Harvard Business School-the Golden Pasport.


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