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The Mandalika Beach

 The Mandalika Beach Area of Lombok-Indonesia will become a popular tourist area in Indonesia and the world.

 The Mandalika beach area on the island of Lombok will become a very popular area for traveling in Indonesia and in the world.  Especially after the MotoGP international event is held at the Mandalika circuit, of course this will add to the attraction for all tourists to come and to enjoy the beauty of white sand, sea breezes and stay by the beach.  Currently, tourists are familiar with the Mandalika beach in Lombok-Indonesia as a beach with a wide stretch of natural beauty.  Tourists can also see and feel the clarity of sea water with coral reefs that can be seen directly from the sea surface.  In front of the Mandalika beach there is a wide-spreading hill called Mandalika Hill.  Tourists can also enjoy tourist facilities such as paragliding, banana boats, windsurfers to enjoy the beauty of Mandalika beach.  Another tourist activity that can be done is cycling near the beach to see the beauty of the beach.

Septo Indarto 

HR Innovative.


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