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The Problem of Health In the Future


Will the world be heading towards a health crisis again after the COVID-19 pandemic🦠😷 against various new disease threats while preparations regarding health care and providing vaccines are still one of the biggest shortcomings of all nations in the world.  Investment in the world of health is still very less.

Microsoft founder who is also known as a world philanthropist, namely Bill Gates, has spoken about it.  Bill Gates in remarks at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland said: The largest decline in investment is still on infectious diseases (quoted by Sputnik news agency 24/5/2022).

He said that now rich countries should play a more important role in preparing for the next pandemic to help developing countries deal with various threats against the new pandemic.

Bill Gates invites developed countries to invest in global health to deal with various kinds of pandemics that will come and in the future.  Bill Gates argues that currently the global market has not tried and cooperated optimally in greater investment to encourage new investment in increasing new drug discoveries.

This has been a key factor in underinvestment in healthcare.  Bill Gates is currently the most active person in the global mobilization to distribute COVID-19 diagnostic tools and vaccines through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  He has also worked closely with the UN-led Access to COVID-19🦠😷 Tools Accelerator and the COVAX facility.

Septo Indarto HRInnovative


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