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Robot in Working

Robots will be instrumental in working man's work today. We as humans have to see the changes that will be more jobs we are taken by the robot. Because the robot works more efficiently and did not require additional fees. One reason is the ability of a robot robot used in works quickly and can reduce errors ultimately cheaper production costs.

 Pandemic COVID-19 is to accelerate the role of robots to replace human labor. Study of PTI reports that in the event of the World Economic Forum reported that India is a country that accelerate robotic automation and digitization above the global average in the whole world.

 India Times reported that there are 85 million jobs lost in five years in medium and large scale in 15 industries and 26 economic field. Robot revolution will create 97 million new jobs that focus on the care economy industries such as Artificial Intelligence and content creation. In the economic sphere the human function data just as a decision maker and the data analysis process carried out by robots.


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