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China in South China Sea

 When China wants to uphold its supremacy in the South China Sea which also has a direct border in the North Natuna region.  Are our troops ready to fight it?  China-Indonesia relations have many sides, one of which is the political side.  China is currently very aggressive in expanding its territorial area, even China has officially claimed that the South China Sea is its territory.

 The North Natuna area has been partially claimed by China from the hands of Indonesia.  Here, China wants to show that China is the sole ruler in the South China region and emphasizes that no other country can prevent China from getting the South China Sea area.

 Currently, China continues to increase their power to dominate the South China Sea region, because China is ready to fight any country, organization and individual who dares to oppose China's presence in the South China Sea.  For the modernization of China's armed forces.  China openly follows the US Navy's doctrine that the deployment of sea power will be the backbone of military power to defend China's position.  China will mobilize its Air Force and Navy when war breaks out in the South China Sea.


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