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Year of 2022 is the year when Indonesia is becoming a world leader in the G-20 forum

 Year of 2022 is the year when Indonesia is becoming a world leader in the G-20 forum.  Indonesia is a country with the highest and fastest economic growth in the world during the COVID-19 pandemic era.  Indonesia as a big country has a very important role in creating of world peace, creating world economic stability, creating new sustainable energy.  The G-20 Forum is the right forum to fight for this to all member countries.

 Restoring the world's economic order after the COVID-19 pandemic is Indonesia's priority and responsibility.  Indonesia has an important role in making this happen.  Indonesia also has the concept of digitizing the global economy to create cooperation between countries and prepare all policies and infrastructure to create infrastructure with the main goal of creating mutual prosperity.  World trade through digitalization of the global economy will bring about great changes and creating  shared prosperity.  This is what we will create.

Septo Indarto



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