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Septo Indarto HRInnovative

 Elon Musk is a superstar scientist, he is known to talk a lot about brilliant ideas about the future of technology and human civilization.  He has gone far beyond what we ever imagined.  His words are always awaited by many people.  Whatever people think of him, Elon Musk has an alluring reputation.  Elon Musk represents three faces:

 1. Tech creator.

 2 successful business men.

 3. An Influencer.

 His full name is Elon Reeve Musk who was born on June 28, 1971. Since childhood, he has seen his genius and always talks about future technology and he has proven very successful in making it happen.  He is a person who likes to dream but doesn't just dream, he works hard to make it come true.

 In 2003 when he talked about future cars, he succeeded by developing electric cars under the Tesla brand, although Tesla was not the first to develop electric cars, but Tesla was a pioneering company that made smart electric cars.  Tesla's electric car market capitalization is the same as that of 6 global brands, although only able to sell 500,000 units of cars in 2020 with a Tesla market value of US$774 billion, Elon Musk has successfully played three valuable roles, namely:

 1. Creator

 2. Influencers

 3. Marketers

 Since childhood, Elon Musk has had a dream to fly a rocket to Mars since childhood has had a dream of going to Mars and he managed to make it come true by establishing the company SpaceX.

 SpaceX conducted several trials to use reusable rocket technology.  Although initially failed and eventually successful.  Now NASA is entrusting SpaceX to send cargo to the International Space Station and also managed to become the first private company to place a satellite in Earth orbit, namely Starlink.


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