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Physics Nobel Prize 2011

(The Motivation for Leadership)
Physics Nobel Prize 2011
Solving the Mystery About the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe
(Septo Indarto)

If your profession is a scientist and managed to get a Nobel prize not only as a remarkable achievement, but also you have created a work that is able to participate to build a civilization for the life of mankind into a better direction. This is not a dream, this is a motivation that is done by a life of hard work never tireless.
In 2011, awards the Nobel physics prize awarded to:
1. Adam Riess
2. Saul Perlmutter
3. Brian Schmidt
The three men managed to discover a secret about the mysteries of the universe, that universe was evolving rapidly in a very fast pace. The essence of the theory is that the universe will continue to grow and develop. All three scientists are analyzing the supernova, or exploding stars of the type He was commonly used by scientists to measure the expansion (growth) of the universe.
Adam Riess and Brian Schmidt is a researcher who worked at Mount Stromlo Observatory, Australian National Univesit. Saul Perlmutter is serving as head of the Supernova Cosmology Project at Lawrance Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, working in two different research teams with Brian Schmidt and Adam Riess. The discovery of the three researchers were very surprised that the growth rate of the universe or the faster and the future of the universe will end up frozen into ice. This is because they managed to find the light emitted by more than 50 supernova was much weaker than previously expected, signaling that the rate of expansion of the universe accelerating.T hat for nearly a century known universe expands as a result of the big bang 14 billion years ago, but all three researchers had found new evidence, if the universe is growing faster then the universe will end up being ice (frozen). Galaxies away from each other to a faster pace.
According to Lars Bergstrom, Secretary of the Nobel Physics Prize Committee, said that the universe is expanding with more and more rapidly resulting in the cosmos will grow cold when filler material is widespread in space. Mysterious power of the cosmos called dark energy, believed to be behind this acceleration. When this dark energy is still a big mystery that one in the universe that can not be solved at all.
According to Charles Blue, spokesman for the American Institute of Physics, that research has profound implications that the billion years to come, the universe would become very large, but cold and lonely. Galaxy light can not traverse the universe. The sky will be very dark black.


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