Berikut adalah lima pertanyaan pilihan ganda dalam bahasa Inggris
1. What is the primary goal of a business's strategic vision?
a. To entertain employees
b. To align with the company's mission and values
c. To increase office decorations
d. To plan company events
Answer: b. To align with the company's mission and values
Artinya: Apa tujuan utama dari visi strategis sebuah bisnis?
- Selaras dengan misi dan nilai-nilai perusahaan
2. What should leaders do to ensure employees understand the company's objectives?
a. Give them free gifts
b. Communicate the vision clearly
c. Plan more meetings
d. Offer more vacation days
Answer: b. Communicate the vision clearly
Artinya: Apa yang harus dilakukan pemimpin agar karyawan memahami tujuan perusahaan?
- Mengkomunikasikan visi dengan jelas
3. Why is fostering a culture of innovation important for businesses?
a. To create more office parties
b. To stay competitive in a rapidly changing market
c. To reduce working hours
d. To increase employee turnover
Answer: b. To stay competitive in a rapidly changing market
Artinya: Mengapa mendorong budaya inovasi penting bagi bisnis?
- Untuk tetap kompetitif di pasar yang terus berubah dengan cepat
4. What does continuously evaluating progress help businesses achieve?
a. Maintain office cleanliness
b. Achieve their goals more effectively
c. Plan yearly vacations
d. Increase employee salaries
Answer: b. Achieve their goals more effectively
Artinya: Apa yang dapat dicapai bisnis dengan terus mengevaluasi kemajuan?
- Mencapai tujuan mereka dengan lebih efektif
5. Which of the following is essential for clear communication in a business?
a. Using complex language
b. Engaging in open dialogue and feedback
c. Ignoring employee suggestions
d. Planning more office parties
Answer: b. Engaging in open dialogue and feedback
Artinya: Mana di antara berikut ini yang penting untuk komunikasi yang jelas dalam bisnis?
- Terlibat dalam dialog terbuka dan umpan balik.
Berikut adalah lima pertanyaan pilihan ganda dalam bahasa Inggris
1. Why is effective communication important for businesses?
a. To organize more parties
b. To ensure smooth operation of the business
c. To reduce working hours
d. To increase product prices
Answer: b. To ensure smooth operation of the business
Artinya: Mengapa komunikasi yang efektif penting bagi bisnis?
- Untuk memastikan kelancaran operasi bisnis
2. What type of communication should businesses encourage?
a. One-way communication
b. Top-down communication only
c. Open dialogue and feedback
d. Silent communication
Answer: c. Open dialogue and feedback
Artinya: Jenis komunikasi apa yang harus didorong oleh bisnis?
- Dialog terbuka dan umpan balik
3. How should employees feel in the workplace to contribute to improvements and innovations?
a. Ignored and undervalued
b. Valued and heard
c. Confused and lost
d. Overworked and stressed
Answer: b. Valued and heard
Artinya: Bagaimana karyawan harus merasa di tempat kerja agar dapat memberikan kontribusi pada perbaikan dan inovasi?
- Dihargai dan didengar
4. Why is clear communication with customers essential?
a. To increase advertisement costs
b. To build trust and loyalty
c. To entertain customers
d. To increase product prices
Answer: b. To build trust and loyalty
Artinya: Mengapa komunikasi yang jelas dengan pelanggan penting?
- Untuk membangun kepercayaan dan loyalitas
5. What impact can excellent customer service have on a business's reputation?
a. Negative impact
b. No impact
c. Enhance the overall reputation
d. Decrease the number of customers
Answer: c. Enhance the overall reputation
Artinya: Dampak apa yang dapat diberikan oleh layanan pelanggan yang sangat baik pada reputasi bisnis?
- Meningkatkan reputasi keseluruhan
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