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Bahasa Inggris Bisnis. Kerjasama dengan Vendor Percetkan

 Berikut adalah langkah-langkah dan contoh percakapan untuk membuat kesepakatan dengan vendor dari perusahaan percetakan dalam bahasa Inggris:

1. Mulai dengan Perkenalan dan Menjelaskan Kebutuhan:

"Hello, my name is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We are looking for a printing service for our upcoming project, and we would like to discuss the details with you."

2. Jelaskan Jenis Layanan yang Dibutuhkan:

"We need [type of service, e.g., brochures, business cards, banners, etc.]. Could you provide more information about the services you offer for this?"

3. Tanyakan tentang Kapasitas, Waktu Produksi, dan Kualitas:

"Could you share the estimated production time for [specific service]?"

"How do you ensure the quality of your products?"

4. Diskusikan Harga dan Syarat Pembayaran: yang 

"Can you provide a price quotation for [quantity] units?"

"What are your payment terms? Do you offer any discounts for bulk orders?"

5. Tanyakan tentang Pengiriman dan Logistik:

"How long will the delivery take, and what are the shipping costs?"

"Do you handle international shipping, and are there any additional charges for that?"

6. Negosiasi dan Kesepakatan:

"We are interested in working with your company, but is there any possibility to adjust the price if we increase the order volume?"

"Can you confirm the final terms of our agreement, including the delivery schedule and payment details?"

7. Akhiri dengan Kesimpulan dan Tindak Lanjut:

"Thank you for providing all the information. We look forward to receiving the invoice and starting this collaboration."

"Please send the contract or agreement for us to review and sign."

Contoh Keseluruhan Percakapan:

Anda: "Hello, my name is John Doe from ABC Company. We are looking for a printing service for our marketing brochures. Could you tell us more about your services?"

Vendor: "Certainly! We offer various printing options, including offset and digital printing. What is the quantity you have in mind?"

Anda: "We need about 5,000 copies. Could you provide a price quotation for that, along with the estimated production time?"

Vendor: "The price would be $0.50 per copy, and production will take about 5-7 business days. Are these terms acceptable?"

Anda: "That sounds good. What are your payment terms?"

Vendor: "We require a 50% deposit upfront and the remaining balance upon delivery."

Anda: "Thank you. We would like to proceed. Please send over the contract for us to review."

Semoga contoh ini membantu Anda

 dalam membuat kesepakatan dengan vendor percetakan.


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